An Intro to the CT Assault Weapons Bans

Confused by the “Assault Weapons” bans? So is everyone else in the Nutmeg State… Here’s a simplified breakdown of what each ban has done.

What is an “assault weapon”? “Assault weapon” is a term that’s been fabricated by the anti-gunners to demonize 2A enthusiasts and professionals. Despite being completely made up, they have managed to forge their arbitrary definitions into our laws. These are how they’re broken down…

Name Ban: Any firearm possessing the name as written in the given law is deemed an assault weapon.

Feature Ban: Any firearm possessing a characteristic “feature” or combination of characteristics deemed “assault-y” is deemed an assault weapon.

Type Ban: Similar to the name ban, but more broad to include parts compatibility and other shared characteristics of a named firearm.

In Connecticut we’ve seen several bans… all of which affect our purchase options today.

1994 (Public Law 103-322): Clinton-era federal Assault Weapons Ban: Name/Feature Ban

2013 (PA 13-3): CT Name/Feature/Type Ban, Exempts pre-1994 pre-ban firearms

2023 (PA 23-53): CT Feature Ban of CT Non-NFA AOWs, bans pre-1994 pre-ban firearms

Starting the party in 1994 a plethora of firearms were banned federally via Name/Feature, however this ban was enacted with a “sunset clause”, and thankfully 10 years later it was struck from federal law.

CT gun owners had 10 “free” years until the 2013 CT Assault Weapons Ban was enacted. Heavily inspired by the 1994 ban, it bans any post-1994 manufactured firearm meeting the new Name/Feature/Type ban. Thus, creating the market for “pre-94 pre-ban” firearms in Connecticut which remained unrestricted from modification or transfer for another decade. 

Most recently, in 2023 Gov. Lamont’s H.B. 6667, enacted as PA 23-53 banned the transfer of “CT-Other” and previously exempt pre-1994 pre ban firearms. All firearms that fall under those categories are subject to the new Assault Weapons Registry, which closed on 5/1/24. 

Today, gun owners have to navigate CT’s name ban, feature ban, and type ban. Arcana Arms strives to offer THE BEST that CT has to offer despite the barriers set before us. Come to the shop to talk about your new CT-Legal build!  



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